I’m Jean (pronounced Jean as in Jean Luc Picard). I’m originally from South Africa (Cape Town area - pictured above!), but I’ve lived in England (Hertfordshire) and Sweden (Stockholm) before moving to the US. I originally moved to Raleigh, North Carolina, where I attended North Carolina State University for Math and Computer Science. Now I live Colorado!

I work on:

  • ObjFS: a FUSE-based file system for build outputs as part of Google’s massively distributed build pipeline.
  • Go: I contribute to the Go project primarily in tooling (x/tools/cmd/digraph, x/exp/cmd/gorelease, and others).

I’ve also worked on grpc-go, GCP client libraries, Network Infrastructure, and Google Drive.

Outside of work, I enjoy reading sci-fi and fantasy, writing, climbing, mountain biking, skiing, learning languages, cooking, and spending time with my community.

You can sometimes find me on the Gophers Slack under the ID deklerk, or by emailing me at deklerk@google.com.